The blinded dog initially came in the news of the international media at the beginning of this year.
Thousands of people across the world were interested in the destiny of the blind golden retriever.
In February 2019, the dog’s owner realized that her pet was scratching his eyes. He was obviously in a lot of agony. He was transported to the vet, where he was diagnosed with glaucoma.
Unfortunately, the procedure was already in motion, and there was nothing left to do but decide whether or not to remove the eyeball.
Glaucoma ‘caught’ the second eye after 11 months. He, too, had lost it. The woman looked after him and did not leave him alone.
But soon after, she had a brilliant idea: locate him as a guiding friend.
It turned out to be the same breed of puppy. The pair has not separated since that day. He was always there for him, both in the house and on walks. On Instagram, the dog has almost 13,000 followers. Nobody is unaffected by the two’s day-to-day lives.
Every day brings a fresh post that is both life-affirming and delightful. Now, the woman assists all animal lovers and informs them about the disease’s early indications. She also discusses the complexities of psychological rehabilitation for animals that have lost their sight.