With natural lashes that are so long that passersby think they’re fake, a 10-month-old dog melts hearts

People are taken aback when they encounter this dog and can’t take their gaze away from him.

All due to the dog’s distinct exterior characteristics. Because he has lengthy eyelashes that can appear as extensions, this dog has the most stunning eyes.

His owner, on the other hand, claims that they’ve always been that way.

Although the dog is just 10 months old, he has lived with his owner since he was a puppy. The woman is a groomer, and she couldn’t resist a lovely puppy.

«Walt has killer lashes.» She remarked, «They’re so long and curled.»

Every day, the dog enjoys a bath and a thorough combing, which takes a lot of time from his owner.

In addition, the dog gets a clipping and nail trimming every few weeks. Although such a well-groomed dog draws a lot of attention, he quickly became accustomed to it.

«He’s a very cheeky and sweet dog who enjoys people’s attention on our walks,» the owner stated.

Shortening the eyelashes is better for the dog, according to experts.

After all, such a long length might cause eye congestion and interfere with eyesight. The owner, on the other hand, is confident that her meticulous upkeep will help to avoid these issues.

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