When his owner begins to fill his pool, this doggy is unable to contain his delight

Internet users were interested in another good boy. Kain has difficulty controlling himself around water.

When his owner uploaded a video of him spinning while his dad filled his pool, he recently became popular on social media.

This was shared on their other social media pages, and Kain’s owner even made the energetic labradoodle a pet account on TikTok.

Additionally, Kain’s own TIkTok account has more than 13,000 followers despite only being started in April.

His movies demonstrate the dog’s high level of energy, particularly around water.

Some people remarked that Kain ‘had that cartoon run’ after his comical leap into the swimming pool, while others who grew enamored with the cute dog wrote things like, ‘not to sound dramatic or anything, but I would leap him in front of a bus for Kain,’ and ‘Kain’s delight is amazing.’

Given that Kain is only two years old, it appears that his parents have decided to register him in swimming lessons.

Watching Kain in a large pool with other dogs is just as amusing as his footage in a small pool. Kain gained fame for his zooms in the pool.

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