What is the life of a girl who will always be the size of a doll like?

Today, we’d like to introduce you to Abby, a young woman who was born with a genetic condition.

At first sight, the image appears to be pretty conventional — the baby is sitting in a stroller, except that the stroller is a toy for dolls.

Because the girl and the toys are all small, it is easier to play.

Abby is almost two, but her weight is almost that of a baby — barely 4 kg, rather than the recommended 20-30 kg.

His daily weight growth averages 1-2 grams. Another child in the family is the eldest daughter, who is now four years old.

Abby is like a doll in comparison. Doctors predict that the girl will grow to be about 60 centimeters tall.

The child is perfectly healthy; he eats well, plays but he does not grow. Abby dresses like a baby and eats at a doll’s table.

Abby will be able to walk, albeit with effort, so there is hope. She will be able to study and live a long and happy life, unless all of the prerequisites are met.

However, it will never grow. We hope everything is going well with her.

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