Watch as a mother and her three daughters visit a hair parlor for the first time having never had their hair styled

Everyone is familiar with Rapunzel’s tale. She had grown her hair to an astounding length, and her guardian and prince had no difficulty going it due to its length and strength.

Everyone has told us that this narrative is impossible, but this mother and her three girls are disproving them.

43-year-old Teri is the mother of three daughters. They are collectively referred to as the Rapunzels. Even for their lengthy hair, they received ribbons.

How much hair do they have? 6 feet 2 inches or 74 inches long is how long Teri’s hair is.

Her second daughter and oldest daughter also had three-foot-long hair. The youngest has hair that is 2 ft 2 in long.

They had totally healthy hair, the salon owner claimed. Although none of them received hairstyles for the video, the daughter believes she might be ready to spice things up by getting a short hairstyle.

His mom is looking through the request. She replied, ‘I want them to be old enough to make that decision on their own.

It’s not my decision. The hair is healthy, which is great!

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