The man appears to be 40, but he is actually 72; find out his method

The Chinese man, who is 72 years old but appears to be little older than 40, can offer odds to many young athletes.

Xing has been practicing every day for the past years. He asserts that sitting with a 170 kilogram weight keeps him young.

Xing first started bodybuilding in the 1980s. ‘Practicing today is convenient because I’m going to the gym already.

He continued to play sports throughout his entire life. He maintains a precise diet that is almost completely made up of protein and fiber.

Xing goes for a daily walk and then immediately changes to training for an hour and a half.

In contrast to many, the man sits with a 170 kilogram weight and does not skip leg day.

‘Mr. Xing has objectively superior fitness than young adults in their 30s.

The man’s permanent doctor asserts, ‘I’m sure it has something to do with athletics.’ Xing intends to keep working out until she is at least 85.

The man feels that he must keep himself as strong as he can. Would you also like to be like him? Nice, isn’t he?

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