A shelter received a rescue of a litter of stray kittens. The smallest of the group, Mila, was very thin.
Monica, a specialist in newborn little kittens with particular needs, agrees: ‘It was determined that she’d come to my house to deal with the issue.
The tiny cat was found to be afflicted with a variety of medical conditions.
Despite the veterinarians’ prognosis, the tiny cat held on to life with energy, and Monica felt she had to step in and assist.
Mila was appreciative of the assistance and rolled over after each feeding to ease her tummy.
Throughout her training, Mila had to separate herself and focus a lot of energy on her.
When Monica noticed how unhappy Mila was, she surrounded her with soft toys, but Mila chose one of them as a solace.
I got her a toy sheep when she was three weeks old, and she became utterly fixated on it.
Monica says, ‘I used to sleep with him in my arms.
The cat was fortunate to have met someone so kind who could support her through everything.