The ginger cat got into the house, went into the kitchen, and then slept there

As Liana and the rest of the family sat down to eat, an unknown ginger kitten entered the room as if nothing had happened.

Mara, on the other hand, acted as though he had been here all along. He left, smelled the food in the bowl, and sat down to eat.

It is unclear how this kitty got into the house, where a 12-year-old domesticated cat was already living.

The baby cat ignored the newcomers and happily ate the food of the other residents, despite the cat’s surprise at their presence.

After eating, Mara went into the living room and slept there. He continued to act as though he had always lived in this apartment after that.

They just gave him the nickname Bonak for a while without really thinking about his name.

For such a gentle and lovable Mara, who quickly adapted to the house and made friends with an adult cat, it was impossible to resist.

As you can see, some cats have the charisma and drive to ensure a bright future for themselves. What do you think?

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