Animals and young children can create extraordinarily strong bonds. Children will tell you over and over how much they love an animal.
A picture of a young boy with his donkey is an exquisite example of this.
One of the first questions you may have is if donkeys and people can truly build a friendship. Donkeys have an astounding measure of friendship for each other.
They search out confided in people or different animals for petting or just to spend out with.
Twix the donkey and Sam, a three-year-old who lives with his family on a farm, demonstrate this closeness. Sam has an alpaca farm in his family.
The farm is known for its alpacas, but it also contains other animals such as Twix the donkey.
When someone needed to relocate Twix. Sam’s mother said that they ended up adopting him.
She was overjoyed to notice how relaxed he appeared to be. And it was because of Sam that Twix were so relaxed.
The donkey loved the small guy right away. Sam was just about to move over to Twix and pet him as he approached the fence.