The dog’s owner depicts the extraordinary and emotional bond between an owl and a dog in touching photographs

There are occasionally amazing friendships among animals. Tanya Brandt frequently posts pictures of her two pets, the owl Polka and the shepherd dog Inki, who cannot spend a day apart.

The images of the pair spread throughout the Internet at an amazing rate as they immediately gained fame. The animals have a remarkable level of mutual understanding and friendship.

German Shepherd Dog Inki, who guards the hearth, is a big and brave animal.

Because of this, the dog is extra gentle with it and always ready to protect it.

You can see in the pictures how devoted the shepherd dog is to his friend.

The owner of this wonderful duo claims to have loved animals since she was a little child.

The woman was delighted to provide shelter for an owl and a shepherd dog in her home. Poldi and Inki enjoy making poses for the camera.

Inki and Polka are very obedient and have a unique ability to sense their mother’s mood.

Tanya is able to produce masterpieces rather than commonplace images thanks to this uncommon awareness.

Because of this, odd pets get the attention of the audience.

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