Richard Hernandez, once a banker from Texas, USA, has undergone a dramatic transformation in both appearance and identity. Now 60 years old, he has legally changed his name to Tiamat Legion Medusa, identifies as a non-binary person, and considers himself a «real reptilian.» Spending a staggering $83,500 (approximately 3.5 million UAH) on body modification, he has adorned his body with tattoos and piercings, inserted horn implants, split his tongue, and had his ears removed. The next step in his transformation is the removal of his genitals, which he hopes to complete by 2025.
Tiamat, who has spent 12 years in solitude, is now seeking love again, despite the extreme nature of his transformation. Interestingly, he says his ideal partner would be someone with no tattoos or body modifications—essentially, someone who is his complete opposite.
His journey into this drastic physical transformation was influenced by a series of life events, including a traumatic childhood filled with abuse and being diagnosed with HIV in 1997. These experiences pushed him to completely alter his human form, in part as a response to the pain and emotional turmoil he had suffered for years.
Furthermore, at the age of 20, Richard had a dream in which he was bitten by snakes. Strangely, the snakes did not harm him but injected their venom, making him stronger. He took this as a sign to transform into something similar to the creatures he encountered in the dream. As he reflected on his suffering and abuse, Tiamat felt that he had metaphorically «been to hell and back.»
He believes that his transformation into a reptilian being allows him to cope with the spiritual, emotional, and psychological pain that has plagued him throughout his life. In many ways, this transformation represents his personal healing journey, a defiant act of reclaiming his power over the adversity he has faced.