If you find a bank card on the street or in a store, never touch it or try to contact the owner. 😲 This can be dangerous and lead to serious problems. 😱 Here’s why ⬇️⬇️
Sometimes on the streets, in the subway, or in stores, you may come across lost or abandoned bank cards. Some are dropped accidentally, while others may have been discarded deliberately.
At first glance, these discoveries may seem harmless—someone might post on social media saying, «Look, a card is lying here, call me, and I’ll return it.»
Often, people suggest actions like «transfer a small amount» or «send an SMS with your contact details.» It might seem like a simple way to help the person who lost their card.
However, based on personal experiences and stories from friends, it’s always best to avoid these cards.
The point isn’t to ignore someone’s problem entirely. Returning a lost card might not seem like a complicated task, but even the smallest attempt to help can lead to unexpected problems.
One of my acquaintances shared a real story that turned into a valuable lesson. He lost his bank card while drunk, and while he was sleeping, someone used it for purchases all morning.
By the time the card owner realized, there was only a small amount left. The person who used the card simply discarded it afterward.
Unfortunately, the person who found the card on the street was dragged into interrogations, police inquiries, and store checks where suspicious purchases were made.
While the card had already been blocked, and the real thief was traced via security camera footage, it was the person who tried to help who ended up in trouble.
So, what should you do to avoid such unpleasant situations?
If you find a card on the street or in a public place, it’s best to walk past it. In most cases, these cards have either already been blocked by the owner or are being used by criminals.
If you find a card in a café or store, report it to the staff. They can notify customers or send the card to the bank.
Call the bank using the number on the card and inform them about the find. The staff will be able to contact the cardholder and return it.