Nyankiichi is a dark-striped feline who lives in Japan. This feline with a short tail appears to be made for Instagram posts; he doesn’t appear to have a single bad picture.
Any picture of him sitting, turning his head, or strolling around appears to have been carefully organized and ‘edited’ with Photoshop. It isn’t, however.
It’s just that Nyankiichi has been acting like a model on the catwalk since he was a kitten.
The owner of Nyankiichi is not a homebody, but rather someone who enjoys traveling around his country.
Simultaneously, he generally follows his feline around and shoots him against the background of nearby attractions.
Nyankiichi is shown here against the background of a volcano.
In addition, here he is on a tree, enjoying the spring. He appears to be the primary attraction of this location as he approaches the actual edge of the coast.
Nothing can be said about legendary Nyankiichi photographs set against the background of sgreen mountains or blossom fields.
Indeed, even a photo of Nyankiichi in the water appears to be extremely favorable.
Nyankiichi’s flawless photographs helped him gain over 66 thousand Instagram followers and over 124 thousand Facebook followers.