It’s amusing and unusual that the guy brought his cat to prom in place of a date

You are surely aware of the challenges prom may cause for any student.

The thought of what to wear or who will be your date only makes the situation more stressful.

In any case, prom is all about relaxing and having a good time, so it’s not the end of the world if you can’t find a date.

Since attending alone isn’t the ideal option, Ashton, one of those who couldn’t find anyone for prom, came up with a brilliant solution!

The family cat, according to the happiest, meows longingly at Ashton. They make a great team. They shared the same upbringing.

Ten years ago, the family discovered the cat behind a restaurant, which is how it earned its name. They are now attending prom together.

That is the big story, as usual. She enjoys Ashton because he speaks to her in a baby voice and occasionally gives her food.

Ashton constructed her a tiny cat fort out of a cardboard box and an old t-shirt while she was at home over the summer vacation.

She has a warmed cat bed that costs $40, but she loves the improvised castle.

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