Meet Carol, a very intelligent puppy who knows exactly what he wants. He spends a lot of time playing with his plush duck.
He is welcome to play with Carol’s other toys whenever he likes. But the toy duck is where he constantly wants to be.
The owner of Carol said, ‘I saw he brought it wherever he went and even laid down with it in the evening.’
I had never seen him behave in such a manner toward a stuffed animal before. They are practically inseparable.
The owner and her husband decided to surprise the dog with a visit from a larger, fully animated version of the item given how much the dog adores the duck.
The owner’s husband stepped into the role after purchasing a stunning toy suit from the store.
When Carol saw his cherished toy come to life, he was overjoyed. I couldn’t have gone any better, the owner exclaimed.
His tail started wagging so quickly when Carol saw the life-size toy that his entire body moved. I will never forget it.
It was all worthwhile for his owners to see how thrilled he was to meet the toy.