Everyone comes to a standstill when a dog gives birth to eight puppies in the middle of an airport

An airport’s rescue team paramedics received an urgent call: there is an emergency labor. The paramedics that arrived did not have time to be surprised; puppies were born one after the other, and everyone had a lot of work to do.

The main character of the evening was a female future service dog. At least, that’s what the calculations suggested, but the babies insisted on being delivered right before boarding the plane, which the owner now sees as a good sign because giving delivery on board would be much more difficult.

The physicians from the rescue agency worked quickly to reassure the dog who was in labor at the airport. Throughout this time, the dad dog did not abandon the new mother.

He is older than the female dog, who is still in school, and the two of them collaborate to assist their owner, who has limited mobility, in traveling.

The woman stated that she was aware of the dog’s pregnancy but did not expect the airport’s noise and bustle to make her so afraid that labor would begin.

Some passengers even skipped their planes to take selfies with their newborns before security cleaned up the mess.

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