In Michigan, a state in the United States, six babies were born simultaneously.
When the couple asked God for a fourth child, they were pleased when fate gave them six!
Learn the incredible story of this couple and how their dream turned into reality in this article.
The couple desired a fourth child, but fate provided them with six at a time.
To be sure she generally needed a young lady since she had three young men including two twins.
They decided to give it a try rather than waiting for the right time. The outcome? multiple pregnancies for everyone!
They now have six new children to adjust to. And they are girls, which makes them even happier.
The mother was initially concerned about having four children simultaneously.
Although each day is a little more challenging, they are doing well. They now face the challenges of raising their six children on a daily basis.
They are doing well because of their love and patience, even though each day is slightly more challenging than the previous one.
Despite their surprise, the parents were happy to have six new babies so quickly.