Because the cat is so fond of Christmas, his owners give him a tree to play with all year

Lula, who is 17 years old, adores Christmas. She has been drawn to the sets for a long time, and she enjoys walking there.

Lula, on the other hand, becomes upset when the sets are removed from the box. Due to Lula’s advanced age, no one knows for certain how long she will be around for Christmas.

So, her parents put up a cat tree with branches and leaves and put up permanent Christmas lights on it to keep the Christmas spirit going all year.

However, she thoroughly enjoyed the surprise because her cat’s face was beaming with contentment.

Lula has a Christmas cat tree just for her, so even though Christmas is over, she still enjoys it all year.

Lula has lived in an enchanted tree ever since that day. She eats, plays, and sleeps there.

When Meyer looks at Lula’s tree, she imagines a magical tale about an elderly cat who loves Christmas and magical elves.

Lula is thrilled to be able to discover her favorite things in the world because she is now at an age when she knows exactly what she likes.

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