After losing her daughter, Mom discovers a moving note from her in the car a few months later

Do we always have the opportunity to let our friends and relatives know how much they mean to us? Nadia thought her daughter was the most beautiful girl and was really proud of her.

She kindly shares her images to support her statements.

A young girl is staring at us with a surprisingly friendly and open face. Julia was the name of the girl.

They shared a powerful emotional bond that is still present today.

After losing daughter in 2017, Nadia discovered a paper piece with Julia’s writing on it when she opened the trunk of her car a month later.

First communication from a cherished daughter. Julia’s path is unclear.

The first message was nonetheless signed in an unexpected manner by the daughter: ‘Mom, open it if you can’t sleep.’

She soon found 26 messages that Julia had left for her over the course of several days.

They were all signed. When her mother felt lonely, upset, or just could not fall asleep, the daughter suggested that she open each.

‘Julia, if you only knew how much your mum misses you,’ she admitted on Facebook.

By giving her mother her jewels, the daughter appeared to be comforting her.

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