After being rescued from a life as a ‘bait dog,’ a dog welcomes life

My cousin called to tell me about a puppy who had grown up in a kennel and was being used as a bait dog.

There was no doubt that we were summoned to save this tiny creature! He leaped into my arms the night we acquired him, as if to say, «There you are!» I was on the lookout for you!

Our daughter showed her brother how to reach right into our hearts with ease.

Just like our daughter was for my husband, the dog became my guardian, comfort, and delight. My spouse joked that if we were human twins, we would have had the same heart and mentality.

The dog was with her as she took her final breath, and we lost our daughter. After 18 years of marriage, my husband died abruptly, and my entire world came crashing down around me.

I wasn’t sure what I’d do without him. The dog and his feline siblings have always been at my side, offering comfort, support, and unconditional love — they are the reason I get out of bed every day and keep going. The dog is now eight years old.

His vision is blurred, and he’s a bit grayer around the edges of his face. He still likes sitting with his feline siblings and watching the world go by.

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