A young woman had 9 children at once, making her a super mom with many children

The birth of two children at the same time is incredible. It is, however, a challenging task for the female body.

Triplets are even more unusual. But moms can sometimes astound everyone!

Dial had no idea that she would become the mother of many children in just one visit.

She is 25 years old and simply wanted to experience the joy of motherhood.

As a result, nine children at her house are now requesting love and attention. Five of them are female.

After all, such tiny organisms required special attention and care.

Dial was finally able to count on being allowed to return home soon after her daughters and sons grew stronger.

She is, by the way, from Mali. However, she gave birth in Morocco, where medical care is more advanced.

Doctors are still keeping an eye on the babies. However, they have already stated that the children are developing beautifully.

They gained the desired weight and moved at the same rate as their peers.

However, some experts do not look specifically for a link with racial characteristics.

It is, rather, a huge miracle and a true exception to the rule.

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