A young girl sends a heartfelt letter to her teacher, lamenting the loss of her dog

Emma teaches fifth grade. She would tell all of her students stories about her dog’s life on a regular basis.

The dog’s health began to deteriorate abruptly, and a medical checkup discovered an incurable tumor.

The dog had to be put down. Emma felt she couldn’t keep what had occurred from the kids, so when she came to work, she told them everything.

«They saw my displeasure and I had to explain everything to them.» «They were familiar with the puppy since I talked about him a lot and showed them a lot of photos and videos,» Emma explains.

However, one of the kids concluded that their instructor needed assistance.

Emma had gotten a letter from him towards the end of the school day: a poem devoted to her puppy.

«Most importantly, I know your dog was special, and your dog is in a better place and watching over you,» the child writes in a note.

Emma opted to read the letter at home since she needed to be alone with her thoughts that day. «I eventually cried when I read it on my lonesome and then with my family,» she adds.

When she arrived at school, she praised the student for his help in front of the entire class, calling him an example of how good people should treat one another.

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