Bae is a cute baby duck who was left by her mother before she was born, which obviously did not help her development.
Fortunately, the little newborn’s fortunes would change when a woman named Erwin discovered her.
Erwin made the decision to take matters into her own hands and care for the little feathered one.
Erwin then took the beautiful baby duck under her wing. She was determined to do whatever it took to help her get ahead.
Now that Bae has matured, she enjoys resting her head on Erwin’s neck. it appears to be her favorite spot.
Erwin, who enjoys taking care of the duck, has even put an adorable diaper on Bae to keep her.
Bae has two more friends who live in the backyard of Erwin’s house.
Erwin hopes that as Bae grows older, they will become friends and spend time together.
The truth is that Bae and Erwin are just getting started in their beautiful relationship, and incredible adventures and fun moments are sure to await them as they live with friends.
Bae has been a lucky duck, and she is now content with her new family.