A married couple has spent 29 years living on a floating island they created themselves

Many people are currently experiencing true solitary for the first time as a result of the coronavirus quarantine.

However, this pair is not new.

Dave and Katie King have purposefully lived apart from civilization on their own floating island for close to three decades.

The couple left their leased Tofino apartment around the turn of the century, gave away all of their belongings, and started gathering recycled materials in order to create their own island out of the water.

Dave built the island’s foundation out of strong logs that he had collected.

It has numerous structures as a result, and because of it’s estimated 450 tons of weight overall.

The island now features a house, vegetable greenhouses, a dance floor, her own art gallery, a candle-making studio, and solar signage. Even the water design was accomplished by Dave.

King and Adams were able to enjoy some genuine privacy because the closest settlement was around 25 kilometers away.

How they imagined it! Few people visit the couple, and the island offers no tours for the curious. Would you prefer to live in this manner?

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