Minnie is this cat’s name. She was a stray kitten with only one eye (the second eye was undeveloped) who lived on one of Cairo’s streets (Egypt).
The kitten was in a bad shape when she was discovered by a Cairo resident named David, and there was no cat mother nearby.
Minnie was alone. David made the decision to assist the kitten.
He contacted a private animal rescue organization, which agreed to accept the kitten.
While the move was being planned, David took the kitten to him and cared for her as well as treated her.
The kitten completely transformed in a short period of time. Minnie the kitten arrived on May 31 after a 15-hour flight.
She turned out to be such a sweet and nice kitty, – says one of the society’s volunteers.
She simply wishes to be showered with affection. She’s only been with us for two days, but she’s already grown accustomed to us.
The kitten is now looking for a new home and owner in the community.
Lucily, this story has a happy ending. Thank you to the kind man who helped adorable Minnie.