Carlo has forgotten how he looks without facial hair because he hasn’t seen his chin in ten years.
He also met his wife seven years ago, and the stranger, who was hiding behind a thick, well-kept beard, never even saw her.
The professional model is a forty-year-old man. Additionally, he promotes a variety of products for facial hair.
It has changed since I last saw my face without a beard ten years ago. I’m 40 years old right now.
As a result, Carlo shared, ‘I have grown old and I want to know how I look without a beard.’
However, the man decided to play a joke on his wife as soon as he realized it was time to let go of his beard.
When the woman saw her husband in a new photo without a beard, she was surprised and did not even recognize him. because she’d never seen him in this way before.
He started to look a lot more youthful. ‘ Do you realize how unique that is? I can see how you move your lips.
What’s more, I never believed that I would see you talking,’ the spouse was astonished.