10 times someone tried to get «beautiful lips,» but ended up with a look that’s more like a diagnosis than a beauty trend. 🤣🤣

Women’s obsession with altering their appearance is at an all-time high, and one of the primary focuses of this trend is the lips.

Some, particularly those who are most passionate about it, find it hard to stop their journey from «better» to «even better,» and as a result, they end up with some rather unexpected outcomes.

Here are ten such «magnificent» (or perhaps, overly large?) lips that will leave you stunned.

Let’s start with the classic plastic surgery trend—the «duck lips.»

Then we have two other «undisputed beauties.»

This particular pair of lips looks more like those of a trout.

Nothing could stop her, even difficulty breathing.

Wearing two pillows under your nose must be a bit of a challenge.

A questionable kind of beauty, illuminated by pink lipstick.

Size brings new kinds of pleasures.

And yes, someone actually fell for those lips…

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