The doctor started a sanctuary where he rescues wild animals from zoos and circuses

In this article, we’ll give you a brief introduction to Karen Dallakyan, a veterinarian with a huge heart and beautiful hands.

He has spent many years rescuing and caring for wild animals.

He was deserving of the title ‘hero,’ and people like him ought to serve as examples and norms.

On the site of the former laboratory, Dallakyan and his family established a sanctuary for birds and animals.

Zhu, a tiger cub, was the first animal to be brought to him for treatment.

Despite his circumstances, Karen managed to rescue him and leave him to live in a shelter because the zoo’s proprietors did not require a tiger cub.

To provide the animals with the best conditions possible, the man constructed large fences on the land adjacent to the building.

After being released into the wild, some animals, His wife, his heirs, as well as a sizable group of volunteers, assist Karen.

Since the expense of providing them with food, medicine, and care is quite high, the shelter is supported financially by good individuals.

We need such heroes in these days.

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