Schoolchildren attempted to write from the perspective of dogs to try and convince people to adopt them. They wrote adorable stories and created drawings of the animals without the assistance of anybody else.
‘When I was little, I used to continually encircle myself with as many animals as I could get away with.’
As a 3-year-old, I remember adoring and playing with my neighbor’s little goat, which they called in honor of me. When I was little, I was the proud owner ofmany domestic animals.
‘I needed to rescue and save many animals. I tried all I could to persuade my parents to let me embrace a cat born in a neighbor’s driveway,’ says the teacher.
She experimented with the idea by bringing a shelter doggy to a lesson.
The kids loved it, figured out how the safe house worked. They were inspired to run the imaginary tasks.
‘As a teacher, I frequently tell my pupils tales about my dogs.
I’ve also assigned them various jobs. When I demonstrate modifiers, I usually display an image of one of my animals.
The children write descriptive phrases about them. We next turn these representations into sentences.
The students worked tirelessly on their paper. They attracted extremely good outlines to accompany their writing. We soon noticed many dogs being adopted by the end of the week!