In the United Kingdom, a dog became a nanny for abandoned little kittens. He watches after them with gentleness and kindness, assisting them in socializing and teaching them to look for themselves and play together.
He was originally a stray dog that was saved and adopted by kind people. Perhaps this is the reason why he chose to work with children as a calm and compassionate tutor.
Seven infants were discovered on the side of the road, abandoned. He watched after the kittens, taught them how to care for themselves, and kept the babies occupied.
The shelter worker praised her dog’s kindness. When the kittens were a little more self-sufficient, they were returned to a shelter. They were taken in by a kind and loving family.
«It was hard to see them go, but I can rest well knowing that he and I were able to give them comfort and the best possible start in life,» the woman continued.
The nurse quipped that she could be enjoying the peace and quiet that has prevailed in the flat since the boisterous kittens left.