Several Brazilian schoolchildren who reside on an island near Metro Manila were sailing there for the day.
They became aware of a movement while traveling.
They peered closer and saw a young ocelot (a species of wild cat) in the water.
After deciding that school could wait, the youngsters asked their teacher to send a team to rescue the cat.
The man swam toward the ocelot after turning the boat around.
The kitty noticed the ship and swam gently in its direction, hoping someone would rescue him.
Supervisor removed the ocelot from the water with an oar and set it on the deck to dry.
The rescued animal was then transported to the shore, where his mother would have been waiting for him, by the pupils and the supervisor.
Kids informed the environmental police about the ocelot so they could help locate where he was and, if necessary, assist him in finding a home. They found its family.
Despite their satisfaction, the kids showed up to the school after the rescue operation.
These kids are the perfect example of a good kid.