This was not Anne’s first encounter with exotic animals. They had surrounded her large house in Sri Lanka’s mountainous region.
To put it mildly, she was taken aback when she discovered a newborn boar in a box on her doorstep.
The baby was discovered by the gardener at dawn. He put the baby in a box and left him at the door because his mother was not present.
Anne and her boyfriend realized that without a mother, the tiny animal could not go on.
So they made her a small bed in their living room and used pads to keep her warm.
The girl tried everything she could to learn about the peculiarities of caring for boars.
She found little information on the Internet, having read that they needed to be fed hourly, so Anne and her boyfriend alternately fell asleep in the living room with her as soon as she woke up.
The boar was given the nickname Yeji, and he quickly made friends with the girl’s four dogs. She quickly became friends with all of them.
Now, the rescued Yeji mimics dog behavior in everything and considers himself one of them.