On camera, the dog consoles his crying baby sister with his favorite toy

Nick became a parent for the first time in early July. A few days later, the baby was ready to return home, where her curious «big brother» — a two-year-old dog – awaited her.

The couple was concerned about the dog’s reaction to the presence of a little child in the house. Their suspicions, however, were unfounded.

The dog, who had always been a close buddy to the owners, welcomed the new family member with open arms.

Nick said that the dog has always been kind with youngsters. He was constantly there at family events, allowing the children to brush him and displaying miraculous tolerance.

«He is a compassionate and loving person by nature.

«The dog is the ideal babysitter,» Nick says. From the first second, the dog was enthralled with the newborn.

He scented her garments and sat alongside her for a long time, scrutinizing the girl attentively.

After that, he was constantly close by, indicating that he was prepared to guard the new family member from anybody or anything.

He moaned, pitying her, as she sobbed. They are ecstatic that the dog is so affectionate with the infant. They also hope that their kid and the dog will become closest friends as she grows older.

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