No one cared for this kitty, but her huge dog took her in and provided her a home in his booth

Luna was a tiny kitten when she wound herself in a shelter; when she grew older, her family took her in, but this did not last long.

Luna was taken to her grandma after just seven months by the owners, who had fostered a costly breed of cat.

Granny didn’t need Mickey either; she didn’t love her and she needed to stay warm in winter.

But she left one day and was never seen again; obviously, it was better to be on the street than with such an owner.

A few days later, the woman discovered that Luna lives in a doghouse at the village’s far end.

The owners of the dog named Dave were taken aback when they discovered a cat in the booth.

The most intriguing aspect is that the large dog hugged and warmed the kitten.

They now eat from the same dish because the owners have refused to part the loving duo.

As a result, Luna became well-known in the village and was able to live well.

We’re delighted that this feline has finally found happiness, as well as a buddy and protector.

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