Meet WaIdo, a lovable hedgehog whose adorable grin has earned him the title of Britain’s smiliest hedgehog

WaIdo is a domestic hedgehog who lives in Farnborough with Nikki and Jackie. He enjoys going to the pub and strolling the dogs.

Domesticated hedgehogs are known as African pygmy hedgehogs in the West, as they originate from hot African regions (Algeria, Egypt).

Since the 1980s, domesticated hedgehogs have been popular pets. These hedgehogs enjoy warm regions and might be albino or very light in color.

WaIdo was adopted from an animal shelter by Nikki.

The hedgehog turned out to be a wonderful companion. The new owners then noticed that when they give their prickly pet a reward, he likes to smile.

Nicki and Jackie take WaIdo to the pub on Fridays, where he mingles with his owners’ friends and eats sweetcorn, his favorite pleasure.

WaIdo, who is already three years old, is clever, friendly, and gets along well not only with people but also with Nicky’s dogs.

‘In my opinion, he was a dog in a previous life,’ Nikki said of the situation.

As a result, all of Nikki and Jackie’s friends adore him and bring him gifts. Amazing, right?

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