Earlier this month, a local contacted an animal rights group in an Australian city about a kitty and her kittens who were discovered in a carrier in a car park. ‘It’s unknown how long she was there,’ the animal rights activist said.
They rushed the family to the vet for an examination.
When she was given a full plate of food, she was overjoyed and ate all in an instant and after a while she only relaxed and realized that only good things were desired for her and the kittens.
Avrora and her cubs were relocated to a temporary residence, and the mother felt relieved to have a roof over her head and and a lot of food.
She quickly recovered her strength, fed the babies, and rested.
She was successful in helping her six kittens open their eyes, grow up, and become stronger. Avrora was also able to secure a permanent residence.
She greets her owners in the morning with a charming purr and leaps to their bed for hugs. She lives in peace, leaving the past behind her.