Even though his sister hasn’t even been born, this dog already adores her

Even though there are countless pictures and videos of dogs on the internet these days, I’m always impressed at how quickly they learn many things and understand what’s going on.

Pennie is one such dog, and she resides in Brazil with her owner Julia and her family.

Although there is still time before the baby is born—Julia is 35 weeks along—puppy Pennie appears to be fully aware of all that is happening.

Pennie has recently shown Julia more affection. But while the pregnant woman sat on the couch, as seen in the video, Pennie let her feelings be known.

She enters the tiny baby room that we have set up and sits down next to the crib.

She had always been quite needy and affectionate, but with me, it became significant.

But it seems Pennie isn’t the only one who finds the whole thing exciting.

When Julia posted her video on social media pla, she received a lot of responses.

Dogs are aware of their surroundings, as the video up top demonstrates. Dogs may sense when their owners are pregnant.

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