Due to his overprotective mother’s strong protection, a tiny horse by the name of Troll was left by everyone.
But everything has changed as a result of the dogs housed at the Sanctuary.
The mother of Troll was too concerned over him.
The owner of the Sanctuary remarked, ‘If other animals sought to sniff Troll or somehow interact with him, she arrived out of nowhere and made them go away.’
‘Troll was left without a mother to comfort him. He also lacked playmates because everyone rejected him.
He attempted to converse with someone every day by running around the ranch, but to no avail. The sanctuary’s owner says, ‘It was a sad sight.
Fortunately, the lonely Troll had assistance from golden retrievers and sheepdogs that resided on the ranch with horses.
The horse was very reserved when he first encountered them. But after a while, he grew accustomed to the dogs and started running and playing with them all the time.
Over time, other horses learned that since Troll’s mother was no longer guarding him, it was okay to approach him.
He became friends with his relatives as well as dogs over time.