Despite their age difference, a 29 y/o law student marries an 80 y/o retiree who has grandchildren who are her own age, and they describe their love as everlasting.
Despite acknowledging that her husband, who is 51 years her senior, is a ‘very compassionate’ partner, the lady who married him admits that she does not act as the stepmother to her children, who are over 30 years her senior.
Although the fact that her husband has grandchildren who are her age, Alia says her love is new even though she met William, 80, at a local newspaper event in 2016 and immediately felt attracted to him.
The law student claims that the couple started dating right away because they were attracted to one another and William wished he had a younger bride to take care of him in his old age.
Alia gains from her husband’s knowledge and expertise in the meantime.
Her father and mother gave their blessing, and the couple wed the following year in a private ceremony with William’s daughter, 56, serving as the best man.
The pair lives together, with Alia el paying for his wife’s education.