Cat questions why the infant keeps sitting in her chair. Very funny

Fly had never been a particularly sociable cat before his mother became pregnant.

He just fell in love with his new baby brother the instant Frank brought Roy home for the first time, and it seemed as though he had known all along that he was waiting for his best friend from the start.

Fly adores his sibling brother, particularly the fun new toys that he brought with him.

Fly was delighted when Fly’s mother unexpectedly pulled out a new sibling, but he didn’t seem to realize the fantastic chair wasn’t intended for him.

Frank claimed that every day Fly could be seen acting as the lounger.

That he believes it to be his is crystal clear. He will remain seated, turn over onto his back, and request a belly rub.

He sleeps at this location ‘after breakfast.’ She can see Roy as she gets ready for the day thanks to the bouncer Frank installed in the restroom.

By the time Fly is prepared to place Roy there, she will frequently have already set up camp.

Frank claimed that Fly brushed Roy’s hand to express his love for him before beginning to clean himself.

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