Cat purrs every day because she is so happy to have the babies in a warm environment

A pregnant cat paid a visit to a Virginia animal shelter. When the two-year-old kitty met her foster family for the first time, she was hoping for a better life, but she quickly fell in love with them.

Ficky, the pregnant kitty, quickly demonstrated her need for cuddling and attention from her caregiver.

The kitten seemed content to have a place to call home and, more importantly, a variety of foods to satisfy her appetite.

She was in love with Abi, her foster mother, though, and would cuddle up to her and wave her tiny paws in joy.

She had a lovely family that gave her whatever she desired every morning, which made her very happy and made her purr with delight.

As soon as Ficky settled down in the nest that had been made for her.

The cat was able to give birth to six gorgeous kittens since she was at ease from having her mother around to support her.

Ficky then started caring for her six children, feeding, cleaning, and performing other maternal responsibilities. A mother remains a mother.

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