Cat developed a curious new habit that the owners noticed: playing hide-and-seek in the refrigerator

Like most of his family, cat Pine sometimes exhibits quite enigmatic behavior.

His peculiar new habit of playing hide and seek in the refrigerator has recently surprised his owner Jane.

Every time the woman opened the door, the cat began to leap inside and lay down on one of the shelves.

Jane tweeted about her issue on social media. Numerous commenters advised the girl to let the fluffy one properly inspect the open refrigerator and sit down inside it for however long he likes. But this was bad advice.

I made the decision to follow the advice and let Pine browse all of the refrigerator’s shelves and drawers in an effort to pique his attention.

He still joyfully hops inside the refrigerator when I open it, though, so that didn’t help. said Jane.

The home of Jane and her boyfriend is home to two cats, one of whom is named Pine.

The second cat only gives his sibling a curious glance when he climbs onto the shelves with food; otherwise, he shows little interest in the refrigerator.

Pine, by the way, has absolutely no interest in the food in the refrigerator.

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