Because of a large tumor on her face, no one wanted to adopt this cat, but a miracle happened

Keeta was born and raised on the streets. She just surrendered to a cat shelter.

When the shelter employees noticed a large tumor on the cat’s face, they were shocked.

Because such a cat could not be placed with a family, it was condemned to euthanasia.

Fortunately, volunteers from the non-profit Unwanted Pets emerged in her life. The volunteers came to the conclusion that the cat deserved another opportunity. But they had to deal with the tumor first.

It dramatically changed the shape of the cat’s face. As a result, the cat struggled to eat and couldn’t see out of her left eye.

To assist the cat, the volunteers sought assistance from a number of highly qualified vets.

The cat was x-rayed and examined by a doctor, and then surgery to remove the tumor was scheduled. It went off without a hitch, much to everyone’s amazement! Things are looking up for Kitty now!

She gradually heals from the surgery, the skin tightens, and she can now see clearly with both eyes. It’s much simpler for the cat to consume now. Now all she wants is to identify the owners and move into her own house!

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