One day at the end of July, Emma was sitting in her office working on something.
The kitchen door was open to let in some fresh air, when she suddenly had the impression that she wasn’t alone.
That was Emma’s first encounter with the fox.
The fox continued appearing in Emma’s yard on a daily basis, and she gradually pieced together her origin tale.
It didn’t take long for the fox to feel at ease in her new surroundings. She now acts as if she’s always lived there. She lounges on the outdoor sofa, hangs around with the cats, and occasionally creeps into the house to steal Emma’s slippers.
The fox began bringing her sister over after she realized it was safe. The two now utilize Emma’s yard as their own playground.
When Emma discovered the couple sneaked inside the home she made it difficult for them to come home, which irritated the fox.
The fox and her sister are about 4 months old, so they are still in their infancy.
The lovely tiny fox babies simply needed a secure place to grow up. Emma is overjoyed that they selected her yard as their safe haven.