This adorable canine watched as the other dogs were taken one by one for more than two years while remaining at the shelter.
Jello the dog lived the majority of her life in a shelter while she awaited adoption.
The workers at the shelter did their best to place her in a devoted home.
Jello stayed at the shelter for the longest period of time ever after two years. For some reason, none of the conversations with potential owners went well.
How no one wanted to adopt such a nice dog surprised the shelter staff.She couldn’t be kept with cats, which may have been one of the factors.
Or perhaps it’s because she is a relatively inactive dog.
The prospective owners didn’t realize how stunning her face was when they stared into it for some reason. Not a demanding dog, Jello.
She only requires a brief moment of your attention before going for a nap.
The staff worked harder to find Jello a home after she had been in the shelter for more than two years. They were successful.
The employees at the shelter thought Jello had a good cause for waiting so long for her people.