A tigress and a man who lives in Melaka, Indonesia, have a very peculiar bond

Six years ago, it all began. The three-month-old tiger cub’s owner then asked a man by the name of Abdul to take care of her.

The man and the animal became inseparable after that. The animal is only six years old today, while Abdul is 33. She is about 180 kg in weight.

The tigress is typically rather big. Typical females of this species weigh 140 kilograms. Although 180 is thought to be the upper limit, this is already the case.

Twice a day, tigers eat. Approximately 6 kilos of different kinds of food are on the menu.

He claims that on occasion, he spends the night inside the area, next to his big tigress. The Bengal tiger is regarded as the country’s symbol.

Social media is filled with tales of a young man and a relatively young tiger developing a fantastic friendship.

We wish our unique friends the best of luck in the future. One can never predict what it will do in the subsequent minute, though.

Would you like to have a pet tiger in your house? Let us know. Cool, isn’t it?

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