This individual resides in Mexico. He devotes his life to rescuing stray animals. He keeps a social media account to share his tale with others.
Another poor puppy was just discovered on the street by an animal rescuer.
He wished to assist the dog, but it was terrified. The dog bit the man on the hand really hard out of fear and panic. The man’s reaction to the occurrence was not typical of most people. He didn’t become enraged and flee.
Every day, he began to pay the dog a visit and demonstrate his good intentions. For a long time, the caring man fed the dog.
And then a miracle occurred: the dog became so accustomed to the volunteer that he began to approach him and even cuddle with him.
«They’re not awful people; they just have to battle for their lives on the street sometimes.» When she sees me now, she runs away, and it costs more than a bite,» a volunteer says of street dogs.
This man does more than simply look after this street dog. He feeds a large number of homeless animals on a daily basis.