Kindness will always pay it forward: after adopting four kids, the couple receives a long-awaited gift from life

2020 had a surprise in store for couple Daria and John, but you won’t believe it until you experience it for yourself.

John and Daria, who were married in 2016, had just always envisioned themselves as having a large family with room for both biological children and adopted children.

The couple attempted to become parents while they were in the process of becoming foster parents.

Their long-awaited first child, Samwell, was finally born after numerous challenges.

When they finished all the adoption-related steps a year later, two boys and two girls who had been adopted joined their family.

The home, which was full of kids’ giggles, everyday games, and parental smiles, was soon in for a big surprise.

Maxine discovered she was expecting. The pleasure of meeting the quadruplets was priceless. ‘

Obviously, it’s challenging to raise that many children. I make an effort to plan my day so that I can spend time with each of my kids every day.

I still occasionally feel as though I did not handle a situation well when I head to bed. Ellie approached me and gave me a firm hug, saying, ‘You are the best mother in the world.’

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